Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Failure Vs. Success

Before I began to spew out my first official blog I want to dedicate the nonsese here to my husband. He makes everyone love him by laughing at himself. On occassion I hope people will have cause to love me because I helped them laugh at themselves. I promise to occassionaly use bad grammer, and more often mispelled words. I can't promise not to be offensive, it is never my intention (I try to be self aware and sensitive to others), but the easily offended will root out fault. Now, some words of wisdom from the real me.

My husband was disgusted when I likened failure to giving a sweaty fat man a piggy back ride. He shuddered in disgust. You know why? Because giving a sweaty fat man a piggy back ride is gross and unbearable, literally the weight would break me. (No offense sweaty fat man I see you everyday working out on the treadmil and you are doing great! Keep up the hard work. Two thumbs way up buddy). I hate to fail. I am scared to fail. I do not want to be crushed by failure. Currently I feel soaked by the sweat of my dripping obese failures.

So if failure can be likened to such an icky burden, I then say success is much like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. How much more elusive can you get; untold treasure at the end of a spectrum of colorful light? Not real. Who can climb it? Who can find it?

My back is breaking and I have to start moving. I have to put as much distance between me and the perspiring weight challenged hanger on as possible. I will keep running towards the promise of the "pretty light in the sky". At the end of my life I don't want people to talk about the character of my back and butt muscles from carrying around all the crap the didn't go my way, but rather that I was always running, climbing, scratching, clawing (action words are fun), and pushing myself to be and do better. I want to succeed at a lot of stuff.

I love this quote. "Reach for the stars. You may not get one, but you won't come up with a handfull of mud either." Another personal favorite, "If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do succeed."

Whew. First blog done. You can hate it, but you can't say mean things. You should know that inside this toasty piece of hardcore Deder is not a hard core at all but a creamy, milk chocolately, (yum, who loves cadbury eggs?) gal who just wants to be affirmed as a literary genius. If you do say mean things I will, and I quote my sweet sister/friend and fellow Arnold, "End. You."

1 comment:

  1. this sounds exactly like you so I know it will be fun as well as informing. lol
