Thursday, May 13, 2010

Make a run for it...

If I quit when it starts to get uncomfortable I would have been done at 1.5 miles tonight. Something felt "off". Please cue the negative self talk. "my joints are hurting" and "something is not right" and "I really want to go home and watch my netflix". I wanted to grab the rails and dangle my legs over the speeding treads of the mil.

Then I remembered a certain gal at the gym. I even updated my status about her because she was a total stranger and I hugged her. I got her started with a workout plan and would periodically check up on her. After a month it was time to measure her. She had made NO progress so I questioned her on her cardio and routine etc... "Well, I was walking on the treadmil and I didn't feel right so I slowed down. I was listening to my body." I seriously said these words to her. "Your body was lying. It doesn't want to exercise. It is perfectly healthy for your heart rate to go up while you work out." I was listening to my body too...

Now back to me sweating and gasping on the treadmil, sweat is starting to pour, I am trying to distract myself with NCIS, but by mile two I actually feel a little dizzy...I should stop. Then I thought of this blog. Life is like running. It gets uncomfortable but you can't stop because if you do, esta muerte, dead, sleeping on a slab, swimming with the fishes, pushing up daisies (best show ever cancelled). Sometimes it is not about breaking your record it is about just finishing. It is pushing through just to make it to the end.

Lights brighter, inspiration music...cue positive self talk, "I was made to run. I am thin. My joints can take this I am still young. Only one mile to go." I actually sped up the machine!

Here it the end of my three miles I found out the reason it was so uncomfortable. I was pushing myself past myself. I stopped listening to my body, after all it is just a sack of flesh filled with brittle bones, my soul wanted me to finish (not just the mile, this is an analogy for life). I did finish. I was dizzy, had slight chaffing in some awkward nether regions...but I finished.

Keep living, keep pushing yourself to be the best you and you might just find you reached your goals, met your dream, and obtained the prize. I am still reaching for dreams, pushing towards goals in life...but tonight I took that sweet minute and six seconds off my best time. Three miles 27:10


  1. You are still so dang hilarious, while being extremely wise!! I love you Deederdee!!!

  2. I absolutely love this post. It is so true!

    My favorite paragraph (that inspired me actually) "It gets uncomfortable but you can't stop because if you do, esta muerte, dead, sleeping on a slab, swimming with the fishes, pushing up daisies (best show ever cancelled). Sometimes it is not about breaking your record it is about just finishing. It is pushing through just to make it to the end."

